A tool which combines several stripped-down Unix tools in a single, comapct executable. Because of its compactness and versatility, it is often used on devices with limited ressources.

A tool which combines several stripped-down Unix tools in a single, comapct executable. Because of its compactness and versatility, it is often used on devices with limited ressources. Feb 27, 2012 · Here's a brief explanation of what Busybox is and why we need it for android. +++++ I use Canon 7D for recording most of my YouTube videos, for my setup, see here: Toybox is a free and open-source software implementation of some Unix command line utilities for embedded devices. These include ls, cp, mv, and about 150 others.The Toybox project was started in 2006, and became a BSD-licensed BusyBox alternative. Why not have busybox installed, then you can use busybox route to get the ip route. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "android-platform" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to android-@googlegroups.com .

Busybox binary is an app that has all of these tools. You only need those missing tools when you want to perform a system-level activity. And Busybox is the app that contains all those commands.

# busybox route del default # busybox route add default gw (iodine server IP) web is working, even if very slow (as expected) So maybe I'm missing something but shouldn't AndIodine change the default gateway to route all traffic in the DNS tunnel ? busybox: traceroute: 61 Trace the route to HOST. Link /usr/bin, busybox: traceroute6: 4 Trace the route to HOST using IPv6. Link /usr/bin, busybox: trap (bbcmd) 66 Trap signals. ash busybox: true (bbcmd) 66 Return an exit code of TRUE (0). Link, ash /bin, busybox: tty (bbcmd) 56 Print file name of standard input's terminal When I try and add a static route to go out of eth0, I get the following error: servername-test:/ # route add -net netmask gw dev eth0 SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable My Default gateway is:

busybox route. Kernel IP routing table. Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface. default bogon UG 0 0 0 rndis0 . * U

You can also invoke BusyBox by issuing a command as an argument on the command line. For example, entering /bin/busybox ls will also cause BusyBox to behave as 'ls'. Of course, adding '/bin/busybox' into every command would be painful. So most people will invoke BusyBox using links to the BusyBox binary. For example, entering ln -s /bin/busybox