The white space in between breaks down the user name into two and affects the syntax structure i.e. net user username password.therefore the line: net user James Clark 12234, is the same as: user James, password: Clark 12234. in which the user James does not exist on the computer. try an underscore between the usernames e.g. net user James

Password: The password needed to access the shared resource.If you use an asterisk, you’re prompted for the password. User: Specifies the username to use for the connection.. Savecred: Saves the credentials for reuse later if the user is prompted for a password.. Smartcard: Specifies that the connection should use a smart card for authorization.. Delete: Deletes the specified connection. net use command with password starting with trying to use net use command with a user whose password starts with and/or contains the forward slash character / - attempt fails as / is usually a switch for a command line do I get around this? See More: net use command with password starting with / Net user | Microsoft Docs

The in the script, convert the encrypted string back to a secure string, and then to plain text for use by net use. Keep in mind that the account running the script must be the same one that created the secure/encrypted string.

Aug 14, 2012 Net Commands On Windows Operating Systems Feb 14, 2017 Change user password in Windows command line

Dec 19, 2013 · if exist p:\*.* net use p: /del /y net use p: \\hdqncnetapp1\psmaps$ /y Using Windows XP or Windows 98, the OLD .bat file maps to the P drive Using Windows 98, the NEW .bat file maps to the P drive Using Windows XP, the NEW .bat displays the following error: "The password is invalid for \\hdqncnetapp1\psmaps$." It then prompts me for a user

First I will tell you I have tried the gui's way of mapping a network drive, I tell it to remember the credentials, but it always forgets the password. I have also tried the net use /savecred Jun 09, 2016 · The Net user in Windows is a command-line tool to create and modify user accounts on computers. Use it to change password, etc. See examples. Mar 25, 2020 · password: Use the password option to modify an existing password or assign one when creating a new username. The minimum characters required can be viewed using the net accounts command. A maximum of 127 characters is allowed 1. * Aug 11, 2017 · net use s: /delete. You can also use the asterisk as a wildcard should you ever want to delete all your mapped drives in one go: net use * /delete. And that’s all there is to it. Once you get used to using the command, you’ll find it a lot quicker than clicking through File Explorer’s interface–especially if you work with mapped drives