Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD - Community Help Wiki

Dont ask me why I need to use pptp when there's openvpn and dont ask me why but I need to change the location of the chap-secrets file to a custom place. Symbolic links are also out of the question. If there is a way of changing this file's location from the default one (/etc/ppp/) please share it. Howto add Simple VPN (PPTP) Server in Ubuntu | Syed Sep 27, 2016 PPTP Server [ClearOS Documentation] If you see the following in the /var/log/messages log file on the ClearOS system, then it is likely a PPTP passthrough issue on the client side of the connection: PTY read or GRE write failed. You can view log files via the web-based administration tool – go to Reports|Performance and Resources|Log Viewer in the menu. How to Setup a VPN (PPTP) Server on Debian Linux Jun 09, 2015

May 16, 2013

PPTPD VPN server installation and configuration – Shawn's Blog echo > /etc/pptpd.conf paste the following content into the pptpd.conf file #start of custom file #logwtmp option /etc/ppp/options.pptpd localip # local vpn IP remoteip # ip range for connections listen 23.216.x.x # eth0 my example public IP and network interface #end of custom file

Access to log files is available with the server-manager, Chapter10#View_log_files and Chapter10#Mail_log_file_analysis. You can also use shell access, eg, to perform more complex searches or manipulations. Logfile Names E-mail logfiles qmail - details mail distribution (to mailboxes and to other hosts via SMTP).

Debugging Linux pppd / PPTP VPN Problems - nixCraft