We can now take the logarithms of both sides of the equation. It doesn’t matter what base of the logarithm to use. The final answer should come out the same. The best choice for the base of log operation is 5 since it is the base of the exponential expression itself.

Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations Remember that log 4 is a number. You can divide both sides of the equation by log 4 to get x by itself. Answer. Use a calculator to evaluate the logarithms and the quotient. Just as you knew, x = 2. Now let’s try it with our more difficult example, 4 x = 17. The procedure is exactly the same. Example. Problem. Solving Basic Logarithmic Equations The logarithm is already by itself. The base of the log is 10, so we must raise both sides of the equation to be powers of 10: On the left hand side, the 10 and log cancel, leaving just 2x. 2x = 10,000 x = 5,000 We can check this answer by substituting it back in for x.

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We can now take the logarithms of both sides of the equation. It doesn’t matter what base of the logarithm to use. The final answer should come out the same. The best choice for the base of log operation is 5 since it is the base of the exponential expression itself.

Solve Exponential Equations for Exponents using X = log(B) / log(A). Will calculate the value of the exponent. Free online calculators for exponents, math, fractions, factoring, plane geometry, solid geometry, algebra, finance and more.

Solve for Exponents Calculator Solve Exponential Equations for Exponents using X = log(B) / log(A). Will calculate the value of the exponent. Free online calculators for exponents, math, fractions, factoring, plane geometry, solid geometry, algebra, finance and more. Calculator simple exponents and fractional exponents How To Solve Logarithmic Equations. Video Tutorial and